Thursday, May 29, 2008

After several inquiries to why i have been silent recently...I figured I will type could be two sentences it could be the insane ramblings of an insane rambler...but here we go...and for some reason I am listening to Skid Row's Slave To The Grind...what the fuck...
that has to tell you that my life is in a weird place full of self-flagellation, mediocrity and the lack of desire for anything of quality...

There is a lot i want to say, that i am screaming to say...but i know that if i get into it I won't really explain my situation so it will be a really lame...more lame than most...series of veiled references and innuendos that I won't explain anytime I will just avoid it all...

I will just list the mundane and call it a night...

after last nights...fuck it...i have nothing to say.I have always prided myself on being brutally...if not pathetically honest in this thing, i use it as a cathartic experience...and since i only write these for friends now I feel like i can say more than normal...but not this time.

I will just leave it at this...everything in my life is at a complete and total standstill. I can't write. I can't think straight. The pressure is starting to build and i don't have any way to really release it. Writing has been it but I am so fucking pissed, frustrated...pained...that I just can't let myself open up because I know once i do i am going to fucking really let loose...and i would rather just stay closed off and rational right now. It seems better than artistic...which gets the great tradition of shitty no talent artist types...into really really stupid trouble. If i can just keep everything bottled up inside i will be be able to keep reliving every fucking moment until finally some clarity...or explosive psychosis...takes place. When i start to write i start to open up and when i open isn't always good. This way i can just hold it in and hope for the best.

I doubt i will ever explain any of this...but sucks and everyone has their own shit. I don't think you will feel incomplete without it...

indurate \IN-dur-it; -dyur-\, adjective:

1. Physically or morally hardened; unfeeling; stubborn.
2. To make hard; to harden.
3. To harden against; to make hardy; to habituate.
4. To make hardened; to make callous or stubborn.
5. To establish; to fix firmly.
6. To grow hard; to harden.
7. To become established or fixed.

It's important to have in mind that evil is essential to the order of the world and the birth of the good. - Voltaire