Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Modern Stoned Age Family

I was flying back to Las Vegas when it hit me. For the first time since the day I started the trek from New Jersey...I wasn't absolutely giddy to be back in Las Vegas. I have flown for personal and business reasons many, many times. Each and every time by the time the wheels lifted off the ground I was already missing home. When I was on my return flight I could hardly keep a thought in my head I would be so excited to get back to my home...not just my physical own bed is a great thing...but the city. I love this place and it makes me happy.

This time was different, and I didn't notice it when I was flying out. I was too excited. I was going to see my family. The thought of being with my brothers again knocked out every other thought in my head. I decided to fly back to college for my fraternities 50th anniversary. I hadn't seen Plattsburgh in 5 years, so I was excited. I hadn't seen some of my brothers, people I am closest to in the world, in at least 5 years...longer in some cases. Too long. Much too long.

The weekend itself was one of the best in my life. I laughed harder than I have laughed since I was in school. It was outrageous. The things I saw. Too much and too inside to even get into here. You had to be there. You had to be one of us.

The return flight I only thought of one The nature of what constitutes family. I have people that share the same DNA with me that I don't give a fuck about, and I have people who I share DNA with and I absolutely loathe them. Then I have a 100 guys that share none of the typical, "normal" family bonds, but I love and care about them more than most people in my life. I believe that what makes family is a shared experience, a shared bond. Family will help you, family will support you, and family will be there when you need.

I love these guys the same way I did when I saw them everyday. We may not have shared some overly traumatic experience like a war, but we shared many experiences during an important time of our personal growth. I love them for the same reason that I have always loved them, because they stand matter what. Everyday I was with them I was proud to know that they had each others back. We were really a family. We still are.