Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Tale Of Three Tales

This blog is a tale of 3 tales. A boy who found decency at great personal peril. A woman who found pure evil strike straight to the American psyche. A question of decency and evil.

I watched a South African film called Tsotsi tonight. I make these recommendations with great resrvation because everyone has their own tastes. This film I couldn't keep my praise silent simply because I don't think many people will seen South African films...but I highly suggest if you have the opportunity take the time and watch. It is the kind of film that can never be made in the good ole USA because we turn our heads at stark reality and beautiful brutality. We like our reality distinctively not real...take a look at all these shitty "reality" tv shows. Reality is the farthest thing from any of them, but still we watch...fictional reality...what a fucking concept. Tsotsi is too complex and too real for most of America to stomach. It is a commendable tale of redemption and decency...the kind of uncomfortable moral grey zone we do not like. Black and White. Good and Bad. Coke or Pepsi. We are the land of the obtuse and of the obese. Sadly we are getting more obtuse and more obese. I wonder if this was what Rome was like right before the fall. A populus unable to to comprehend the degredation of greatness...if it was every great at all.

In the USA our degredation of greatness goes on unabaded. When given the chance between hope and fear...for the second straight election season...the American public has given fear another chance to win. I never get political on this thing, but ladies and germs if you don't see Hillary Clinton as pure evil I question your ability to understand anything. Forget the obvouls lies, deceptions, distortions, and criminal activity...if you can. Forget Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Troopergate, and her declaration of a "vast right wing conspiracy"...before she found out about the blue dress...and she politicize her husbands affair...for their own ends. Forget about the mysterious deaths of Vince Foster and Trooper Parks. Forget about STEALING FURNITURE FROM THE WHITE HOUSE! Forget about the fact that she has no international experince. Forget about the fact that she has done nothing of note for NY, and that she is a democratic senator in a large democartic state with heavy union influence and can practically run itself. Forget about the fact that she will REQUIRE you to buy insurance if you want it or not. Forget about it all if you can...because her version of Karl Rove will scare you, she will spread her evil into your all to willing hearts. She will make you think Obama is a muslim, that she will answer that ringing phone in the middle of the she did when she voted to invade Iraq and get us into all of this shit. Embrace the horror that she will spoon feed you all. George Bush Jr. did the same thing...and it worked so well. Why not have another lying career politician who takes almost all special interest money and won't give a fuck about you. Forget it all...she has scared your cowardly hearts...and it will work. Evil beats good all the time...get ready to not only watch it happen...but for most of will participate in it. If you get the evil on you...embrace it...roll around in it...don't hate it because you need it...try to believe it and hide your eyes from everything else.

Lastly, a story of the nature of good and evil...what consititutes evil...would one bad act make someone irrevicably broken. I can't get into specifics because it is a chapter of one of my never to be read books...but it asks a simple question...with no possible answer...what is it that makes someone "bad." Can one bad act erase all of the good? I took my idea from a true your own is about a murder in the Peace Corps. No answer. No truth. No epiphany. Just the moral abyss. The quagmire of individual judgement from a society who needs to judge everyone.

On a lighter note...see what writing does to me...

Arsenal beat AC Milan to advance in the Champions League. The first EPL team to beat AC Milan in Italy.

The Wire ends on Sunday...and that is a shame. One of the best TV shows of all times, and for all of you who are still...personal attack deleted...that think the Sopranos was any good have never seen The Wire. It blows that shitty go nowhere show away.

The iPhone is finally becoming more business friendly...about time. When the 3G version comes over.

Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations is easily the funniest thing on TV.

If there is one thing upon this earth that mankind love and admire better than another, it is a brave man, -- it is the man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil. - James A. Garfield