Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This one is going to be is 3:30pm and I am still smarting from my second Birthday celebration.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has made this great, I really do. Almost everyone in my life, from family to friends, went out of there way to do something very cool for me. Next weekend, after moving a few others will get together and end it in my favorite place in LV.

To all of you I just wanted to say a heartfelt thanks and it was an amazing blur of drinks, live music, boxing, clubs and bars. I spent 11 dollars the whole weekend and last night. Now THAT is a good group of friends.

I was reminded in a big way of WHY I love this town...and the many people I have to stick around for...and the lesson was not lost on me. Despite the fact that I was lost in a sea of beer, vodka and neon.

Thank you!

People say they love truth, but in reality they want to believe that which they love is true. - Robert J. Ringer

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