Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Gain of Loss

I usually start these stupid glimpses into my stupid mind with a is more of the same. It is interesting when you keep your eyes open for patterns you will find them...if they are there or not...but if you will see them...real or not. This week I was constantly reminded of the idea of loss and gain, gain and loss, the gain of loss and the loss of all we have gained. I imagine that most weeks of most peoples lives the same theme runs through their day to day experiences. Sometimes we notice if they are big enough...Katrina...or if they are personal enough. I am not sure what initially brought it to my attention...or if it is every truly far my conscious thoughts. I know that it is something that intrigues me.

I am not sure if I listed all of the experiences, stories, and thoughts of loss and gain it would make much sense to anyone else...but I will highlight just a few. In the last few weeks I gained a job...lost a place to live...probably lost a friend...gained perspective and gained some much needed independence. I have watched someone gain someone...but lost their identity and lost all of the things that ones mattered to them. I saw someone lose something very valuable to them, and I watched a few people gain a second chance...a lifeline in these hard times. I heard someone lose they trusted...I heard someone lose a piece of their soul...I heard them not care.

Everywhere around me for the last few weeks it has been the living breathing zero sum game. Maybe I was sensitive to it because I was in a position of several large losses recently...and several very large gains. The general ups and downs of life exaggerated for someone as thick as I am. There is a loss way to look at this and a gain way to think of this...the loss way is to be frustrated at the constant up and down of life...the moment you find equilibrium life comes and fucks it all up. The gain way is to think that there is a natural balancing act in bad as it can difficult as times may get...there is that equilibrium that comes...the good times come back...loss can be a gain...loss allows for other types of eventually rights may take may not right itself the way you want or when you want...but that is the beauty. The unexpected direction life moments...none of this is original or even much different than some things I have written is just on my mind. It makes me think of Candide...

Random Ramblings...

- I am constantly impressed with someone who has a complete expertise in a subject. Someone who can identify real art from forgeries...detect different types of woods on sight...appraise antiques...restore books...identify different types of plants...etc. To be an expert, truly and expert in one field, to have that kind of knowledge impresses me.

- Albuquerque looks like a good town...very colorful at night...which surprised me. If I knew that we would have spent the night on our trek west....which brings me to something...

- I want to say once and for all I hate the fucking USA network. Every fucking show is exactly the fucking same with exactly the same fucking characters. Every show is a seriocomedy. Every show has some quarky lead character and their equally quarky supporting cast. The shows are light on story, all wrap up in the last 5 minutes and take no fucking brain power to figure out. Some exec at USA is a huge Agatha Christie fan...because that is what these shows pattern themselves after. The most frustrating show is Burn has such a great fucking premise...the only premise of a TV show I wish I thought of...but it is done in such a PG way that it waters down any potential drama or intrigue the script my try to create...albeit in a childish way. If Burn Notice was on FX it would be the best fucking show on TV...but USA is content making a bunch of shows that are too immature to appeal to adults and too adult to appeal to kids. I just can't figure out who they are marketing these shows to...and the worst is In Plain Sight. Train wreck.

- To go along with my new job...I have was kind of decided for me...sort of...kind move into a place on my own...something I am very, very excited about. I have only lived by myself for one year in Australia...and even then I had a...well...part time roommate for about 6 of those months. I am sure this is going to be good for me. I need my own place, start accumulating furniture...and stop living two steps above a college student...even though I like living this way. Still, moving on my own is a good thing...a very good thing. this plan could change...but I highly doubt it. Lost a roommate...gained some independence...and that can never be a bad thing.

- Spain...glorious Spain...home of the long lunch and the longer party...has won the Euro 2008 and I would like to say...and Babbles McPigman, Ex-CPO can verify...I called them as the winner from virtually the beginning. You will read it here first...Spain will win the World Cup. Great young team and they have more people than they can even put on the squad. Fast, young, and full of energy...if they play with confidence no one can beat them.

- This year...after winning the Fantasy Football league as a co-GM...and the architect of the championship season...I am again...again...branching out on my own. Lost a GM...gained freedom. I am also holding tough in my Fantasy Baseball...I am in the money...but now I lost two guys to the DL in two days and one more might be going on it soon.

One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. - Sigmund Freud

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