Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Majority Report

An update for those who have requested a blog...yes...the level of depravity has truly hit rock bottom.

I am still out of work, which isn't a bad thing. I am taking my time to find the right job this time. I am not rushing into anything...not that I have really been beating the bushes too hard. Perhaps I should considering this fucking idiot we have BBQ'ing in the White House has tanked this economy harder than a Japanese Zero pilot on a kamikaze mission. On a quick aside...can we start a movement to sterilize anyone who is a still Bush supporter? Before you answer...think of this...can we keep this stupidity in the gene pool and still hope for a better world? Anyway...I am starting to look for work more...but the joys of writing and Las Vegas have kept me very busy.

...still with my limited and very particular job search I have been contacted by some good companies and I will be working on that much more over the next few weeks. I hate not working and it if wasn't for the writing I would have gone crazy by now. I have some interesting things in the works...some very, very fascinating inquiries...some that would absolutely shock and surprise the vast majority of the readers. I will stay quiet for now until I hear more things. Things are definitely interesting. has been so good. I have been really on fire and I am starting to close in on the end of book 4...which will absolutely mean that there will be a 5th book that will go unread. I don't care, I love writing and I don't care if anyone else reads it. I just want to do what i love, and i don't care if anyone knows it. A major mental breakthrough for me and it has liberated my thinking...which has made for some great writing. It is a shame that no one will read it because this book is just amazing...and dear God would it piss off so many people...I have said that before...and I will also say I never meant to do it...the idea came from nowhere and very organically.

I got my new kicks ass. It is a damn good phone and now I can use it for a while...until the 3g iPhone makes it's debut.

Now for the bad...

...Arsenal lost on the most bullshit of bullshit no Champions League title this year. no silverware at all. A crushing defeat. This one hurt.

...other than that...nothing bad. Life is actually pretty good. Warm, sunny and breezy here in paradise. Enjoy yourself.

The reputation you develop for intellectual and ethical integrity will be your greatest asset or your worst enemy. You will be judged by your judgment. ... There is no victory, no advantage, no fee, no favor, which is worth even a blemish on your reputation for intellect and integrity. ... Dents to [your] reputation are irreparable. - Vincent Foster.

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