Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Flash Fearful

its been a long time since i sat down and did this...i would like to say it is because my fingers are cramping from the extraordinary amount of writing that i have done...i would like to say that very much...but since my move I haven't written for shit. a few poems. a few long emails. extraordinarily long bouts of writers...well...not writers block...more like writers apathy. ideas go unwritten. plans go unfulfilled. i just can't seem to get it going. i just can't seem to must enough energy to care...something that I would not have imagined 6 months ago. i can't figure it out why...so today dear readers...if there are any left...most people have migrated over to facebook...yours truly included...and maybe that is why i can write here...today i will write nonsense...i have no plan. i have already written more than I thought i would...

...but to the topic that got me thinking...something mundane...lets all take a minute to revel in the mundane...i am sure that your lives are so full of interesting things that the mundane will seem extraordinary...

...today's mundane topic...

...i watched 3 episodes of Flash Forward this morning...i have been battling insomnia for over a week and it has done wonders for my TV watching...but i wanted to see the Flash Forward that i have dvr'd...and let me give my two cents.

...i can't enjoy it. i can't like it. it is a good show. not great. above passable. good. entertaining. great idea. fabulous premise...but below the surface it is there...you can feel it...like a zit two days away from showing but you can feel it under the skin. this has all the earmarks of a show that will careen off course horribly...and not too far down the road. it might be good for a season or two but it won't be good much longer. i feel it will go down the same road as Lost...which i have never seen but my friends who have say they wish they never started watching because it sucks so badly now.

...it gets me thinking about great ideas that go wrong, great ideas that never go anywhere, and the possibility of what looks like a failure can be a rousing success. failing is a topic i have exhausted here...no more shall be said.

...i am settling into life in PA...wow...the changes...from hot to cold, from single to a couple, from i to we, from knowing to uncertainty. it has been a stranger transition than i could have imagined. i wish i had a better grasp of the enormity of the situation. if i did i wouldn't have changed a thing. the boundless arrogance and the absolute certainty of my ideas would have retarded any attempt to throw caution into the equation. Its a funny thing about instinct...you need to be unsure to listen to it. if you have a belief and your instincts tell you otherwise you don't change, you write it off as something transitory...trivial...ridiculous. It is only when you allow the chance of being incorrect that suddenly instinct becomes much more...something to be considered...introspective...necessary...important. When you think you know what the outcome will be and you have seen a predetermined destiny no sign will affect your course of action, no worries will influence your path. no. we don't need instinct when we have arrogance.

...the weather is cold here. something i am struggling with, something i am not sure i want to grow accustom. i am starting to believe that i am a warm weather person...that the cold is a nice novelty...but nothing that i should steep myself in for long periods of time...funny coming from someone who loved living 19 miles from the Canadian border for the better part of a decade. i think that knocked all the ability to handle the cold out of me. i have never been the same since coming back from Australia.

...seeing people i missed is a good thing. spending time with my parents. that is nice.

...i must depart dear readers...honesty is about to get the best of me...and i am not in the mood for honesty today.

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

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