Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Thursday night crew had a rough outing. It stung, and stung bad. Friday was not an easy day. So, I decided that after a few beers with a friend, I needed take out and a few good movies. The difference was amazing. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. One of the best movies I have ever seen. Two complete ends of the spectrum.

First up...Saw III. I can't even begin to tell you what a piece of fucking shit this movie was. Holy shit was this movie bad. In every measurable way this movie was fucking terrible. Bad acting. Bad directing. Bad concept. Bad execution of a bad concept. Bad writing. All of that being committed the cardinal sin for any movie...especially a horror was FUCKING BORING! Holy fucking shit was that movie boring. I was bored out of my mind inside 15 minutes. I love horror movies. My love of horror movies started when I was 7 years old. It never ended. I have seen virtually ever horror movie ever...Saw I was of the best. Saw II is up and down...somewhat boring in the middle. Saw III is just terrible...Friday the 13th Part 5 bad. Pumpkinhead 3 bad. Die Hard Dracula least that was funny....this was just terrible. No other words for it.

The second movie I saw is honestly one of the best, most underrated movies I have ever seen. Stranger Than Fiction. It is very possible that I loved the movie because I fancy myself a writer...a terrible writer...but a writer nonetheless. The movie is very funny, very touching, and absolutely original. Well acted. Good Directing. Very good Director of Photography. I was blown away. I can't recommend it high enough.

Watching the movie made me think of something. For years I have bitched and complained about the dark side of writing...because it is my nature. I have a been frustrated with my inabilities, limitations, and mental constraints. The parts of this process that I am not good at have really been the primary themes of these I want to say something...I love writing. I may suck at it, probably do, but I love writing. I love sitting in front of the keyboard and slowly melting into another world...and looking back at where that world has taken me. I am not really sure that writers lead, I think that they are least I am led by something somewhere inside of me that I can't fully explain...and I love it...I love that feeling...I love that journey...I love that I get in the driver seat and before I know it I am just looking out the windows from the backseat...sometimes completely in awe of what I see rushing past me.

There is a high that comes creating something, something new, something unique. When I write, there are times when I finish a chapter and it is like I was drunk...the big moments are clear but the minute by minute recollection isn't is like my brain is on autopilot. Those are the best chapters. The ones where you are most conscience of what I am writing aren't as good, aren't as natural as the ones where my brain just takes over and my hands start moving without effort. Enough...thank you to Stranger Than Fiction for making me think about how much I love writing, and for making a great movie.

The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper. - Aristotle

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